Transition to Renewable Energy Systems

Transition to Renewable Energy Systems

Detlef Stolten, Viktor Scherer

In the wake of global climate change and increasing geopolitical instability of oil supply an accelerated Transition to Renewable Energy System gets increasingly important, if not unavoidable.

This book encompasses reports of select energy strategies as well as in-depth technical information of the already or potentially involved technologies. On the one hand, it compiles the description of technologies that already proved to be game changers of the energy supply in some countries, i.e. solar, wind, biomass and hydro power, with a strong focus on data, facts and figures that are needed to design a renewable energy system for a region or a country. On the other hand, this book compiles many more technologies that bear the potential to become game changes in some regions or countries, like maritime power technologies or geothermal energy. The focus on the whole energy system involves particular consideration of storage technologies for the fluctuating renewable energy input as well as an overview on energy transportation as electrical or chemical energy. Also the end-use of the renewable energy is considered if the energy system is affected, like in automotive transportation via battery or fuel cell vehicles.

Postulating climate change as a major driver for renewable energies, the articles of the book are written assuming the time-line of 2050 for a major CO2 reduction in order to fulfill the UN global warming goal of 2°C. Hence, technologies that have a potential to leave the research stage by 2030 are considered since further ten years are required for industrial development and market penetration each. Transition to Renewable Energy Systems provides specific insights for energy engineers, process engineers, chemists, and physicists, as well as a sufficiently broad scope to be able to understand the challenges, opportunities and implications of a transition to renewable energy systems so that strategies can be cast.

Chapter 1 South Korea's Green Energy Strategies (pages 1–11): Deokyu Hwang, Suhyeon Han and Changmo Sung
Chapter 2 Japan's Energy Policy After the 3.11 Natural and Nuclear Disasters – From the Viewpoint of the R&D of Renewable Energy and Its Current State (pages 13–27): Hirohisa Uchida
Chapter 3 The Impact of Renewable Energy Development on Energy and CO2 Emissions in China (pages 29–46): Xiliang Zhang, Tianyu Qi and Valerie Karplus
Chapter 4 The Scottish Government's Electricity Generation Policy Statement (pages 47–65): Colin Imrie
Chapter 5 Transition to Renewables as a Challenge for the Industry – The German Energiewende from an Industry Perspective (pages 67–74): Carsten Rolle and Dennis Rendschmidt
Chapter 6 The Decreasing Market Value of Variable Renewables: Integration Options and Deadlocks (pages 75–92): Lion Hirth and Falko Ueckerdt
Chapter 7 Transition to a Fully Sustainable Global Energy System (pages 93–118): Yvonne Y. Deng, Kornelis Blok, Kees van der Leun and Carsten Petersdorff
Chapter 8 The Transition to Renewable Energy Systems – On the Way to a Comprehensive Transition Concept (pages 119–136): Uwe Schneidewind, Karoline Augenstein and Hanna Scheck
Chapter 9 Renewable Energy Future for the Developing World (pages 137–157): Dieter Holm
Chapter 10 An Innovative Concept for Large?Scale Concentrating Solar Thermal Power Plants (pages 159–182): Ulrich Hueck
Chapter 11 Status of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Development and Deployment: Hyundai's Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Development as a Best Practice Example (pages 183–194): Tae Won Lim
Chapter 12 Hydrogen as an Enabler for Renewable Energies (pages 195–216): Prof. Detlef Stolten, Bernd Emonts, Thomas Grube and Michael Weber
Chapter 13 Pre?Investigation of Hydrogen Technologies at Large Scales for Electric Grid Load Balancing (pages 217–240): Fernando Gutierrez?Martin
Chapter 14 Onshore Wind Energy (pages 241–264): Po Wen Cheng
Chapter 15 Offshore Wind Power (pages 265–281): David Infield
Chapter 16 Towards Photovoltaic Technology on the Terawatt Scale: Status and Challenges (pages 283–306): Bernd Rech, Sebastian S. Schmidt and Rutger Schlatmann
Chapter 17 Solar Thermal Power Production (pages 307–338): Robert Pitz?Paal, Reiner Buck, Peter Heller, Tobias Hirsch and Wolf?Dieter Steinmann
Chapter 18 Geothermal Power (pages 339–350): Christopher J. Bromley and Michael A. Mongillo
Chapter 19 Catalyzing Growth: An Overview of the United Kingdom's Burgeoning Marine Energy Industry (pages 351–379): David Krohn
Chapter 20 Hydropower (pages 381–401): Anund Killingtveit
Chapter 21 The Future Role of Fossil Power Plants – Design and Implementation (pages 403–422): Erland Christensen and Franz Bauer
Chapter 22 Status on Technologies for Hydrogen Production by Water Electrolysis (pages 423–450): Jurgen Mergel, Marcelo Carmo and David Fritz
Chapter 23 Hydrogen Production by Solar Thermal Methane Reforming (pages 451–482): Christos Agrafiotis, Henrik von Storch, Martin Roeb and Christian Sattler
Chapter 24 Biomass – Aspects of Global Resources and Political Opportunities (pages 483–497): Gustav Melin
Chapter 25 Flexible Power Generation from Biomass – An Opportunity for a Renewable Sources?Based Energy System? (pages 499–521): Daniela Thran, Marcus Eichhorn, Alexander Krautz, Subhashree Das and Nora Szarka
Chapter 26 Options for Biofuel Production – Status and Perspectives (pages 523–553): Franziska Muller?Langer, Arne Grongroft, Stefan Majer, Sinead O'Keeffe and Marco Klemm
Chapter 27 Energy Storage Technologies – Characteristics, Comparison, and Synergies (pages 555–577): Andreas Hauer, Josh Quinnell and Eberhard Lavemann
Chapter 28 Advanced Batteries for Electric Vehicles and Energy Storage Systems (pages 579–596): Seung Mo Oh, Sa Heum Kim, Youngjoon Shin, Dongmin Im and Jun Ho Song
Chapter 29 Pumped Storage Hydropower (pages 597–618): Atle Harby, Julian Sauterleute, Magnus Korpas, Anund Killingtveit, Eivind Solvang and Torbjorn Nielsen
Chapter 30 Chemical Storage of Renewable Electricity via Hydrogen – Principles and Hydrocarbon Fuels as an Example (pages 619–628): Georg Schaub, Hilko Eilers and Maria Iglesias Gonzalez
Chapter 31 Geological Storage for the Transition from Natural to Hydrogen Gas (pages 629–657): Jurgen Wackerl, Martin Streibel, Axel Liebscher and Detlef Stolten
Chapter 32 Near?Surface Bulk Storage of Hydrogen (pages 659–690): Vanessa Tietze and Sebastian Luhr
Chapter 33 Energy Storage Based on Electrochemical Conversion of Ammonia (pages 691–706): Jurgen Fuhrmann, Marlene Hulsebrock and Ulrike Krewer
Chapter 34 Introduction to Transmission Grid Components (pages 707–721): Armin Schnettler
Chapter 35 Introduction to the Transmission Networks (pages 723–739): Goran Andersson, Thilo Krause and Wil Kling
Chapter 36 Smart Grid: Facilitating Cost?Effective Evolution to a Low?Carbon Future (pages 741–771): Goran Strbac, Marko Aunedi, Danny Pudjianto and Vladimir Stanojevic
Chapter 37 Natural Gas Pipeline Systems (pages 773–794): Gerald Linke
Chapter 38 Introduction to a Future Hydrogen Infrastructure (pages 795–811): Joan Ogden
Chapter 39 Power to Gas (pages 813–848): Sebastian Schiebahn, Thomas Grube, Martin Robinius, Li Zhao, Alexander Otto, Bhunesh Kumar, Michael Weber and Prof. Detlef Stolten
Chapter 40 Transition from Petro?Mobility to Electro?Mobility (pages 849–873): David L. Greene, Changzheng Liu and Sangsoo Park
Chapter 41 Nearly Zero, Net Zero, and Plus Energy Buildings – Theory, Terminology, Tools, and Examples (pages 875–889): Karsten Voss, Eike Musall, Igor Sartori and Roberto Lollini
Chapter 42 China Road Map for Building Energy Conservation (pages 891–911): Peng Chen, Yan Da and Jiang Yi
Chapter 43 Energy Savings Potentials and Technologies in the Industrial Sector: Europe as an Example (pages 913–936): Tobias Bossmann, Rainer Elsland, Wolfgang Eichhammer and Harald Bradke

ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
PDF, 17.61 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2013
